![]() Photo by Kirsi Kesaniemi I am truly loving this place! It is so inspiring with all of these beautiful mountains and hills and trees! We have gotten to ride out in the foot hills a bit. Last weekend I was invited to hang around on the Saturday and help hold cows with a few of the mastery students. Pat played with cows in a new corral design and gave a few lessons to his students. On the Sunday morning Pat drove down to the Extern barn and asked if myself and Bonnie McIntyre (another extern who helped with me on the Saturday) would like to help hold cows again for them. So Bonnie and I promptly saddled up and got up to Pat's barn. It ended up being just Pat, Bonnie, Caton, and Myself for the first few hours in the morning then some of the mastery students began to trickle in to help (it was their day off). Again we got to watch Pat playing with cows and teaching the apprentices. We have all been having a blast. Sorry for the delay in my update there is no excuse but if there was it would be the drive from Florida to Colorado. I will try to be more regular. Until next time stay safe and Savvy. Keep it natural, Kailaan and Jack!
![]() We played online today in the Beautiful landscape of Colorado! Our focuses were sideways backwards and circle! We played with backing up some really steep hills and then some cantering traveling circles on and in the hills! We trailer loaded backwards up the ramp from 45' away. It was a great session! I even got to experience more about "Learn Burn"! Oh Boy!!! ![]() With Jack today, we focused on Freestyle, 120 minutes worth. We got a freestyle lesson with Berin and really centered around going with stopping in mind and stopping with backing in mind and backing with a quality move in mind! Then we got to go put our principals to purpose and move 50 Cattle and 7 calves! What fun! Jack and I also rode follow the rail and played with Linda’s lead change ladder! ![]() Pete Rodda & Kalley at NVRHA. Photo by: Kirsi Kesaniemi Hello all, it has been a while since my last post but if is not for lack of things to say! These past few weeks have been very busy, educational and full of all different types of learning... Last week we spent most of the week in Pat's company during his Wow with Cows course! It was absolutely amazing we all learned a lot and I had countless opportunity's to interact with Pat and I started to have an understanding of what it is like to be up in his world all the time and all I can say is I am excited for the day when I find my self up at his barn! We held a NVRHA clinic/schooling show on Saturday which was totally awesome just getting to see a bunch of Pat's top students riding some of Pat's horses and also some of there own was thrilling! I had the great opportunity to manage all of the sound for the event -Wow with cows- from Wednesday on till Friday. This included responsibility for Pat's mic and the portable speakers and music for the savvy clap. I would not have had this amazing opportunity if it had not been for Pete Rodda! Pete had faith in me to let me take over what is usually his job - so as to give him the chance to ride in the course. Then on Saturday I got to be the announcer and timer for the timed events. It was such a cool experience and I had a blast with it! This past week was absolutely extraordinary! Today we had a full day in the class room with a man named Jim Patterson and it was all about "Playing to Win" and self discovery and self awareness. We had a lot of highlights around open, healthy and clear communication especially, how to move towards our goals in the most direct way! I hope this note finds you all in good company! Keep it Natural, Kailaan and Jack ![]() Hello Dear Reader, First and foremost thank you for taking the time to read this blog! I hope you might find something in my ramblings and such that might be slightly educational, inspiring, and or empowering. If not, I am sorry for the bother and maybe if you try back again later I might have something new on here that maybe, just maybe might be the difference that makes the difference! So onward to all of the juicy details..... Yesterday was Externship check-in from 8:30am to 11:30am and orientation was 12pm to 1pm. Of course I was there really early and had a bunch of time to fill later on. It just happened to work out that Cash, one of Pat's mares had a baby early that morning. So I took the opportunity and spent a few hours watching Kalley Krickeberg imprint the little colt! It was so amazing to be a part of the whole experience with all of the Interns and Apprentices!! In the early afternoon we got a tour of Pat's Performance Barn and Foundation Station. It was a great tour hosted by the lovely Marion Oesch, she answered a plethora of questions - mostly from me! We had a few mundane things in the late afternoon mostly logistics and such. Oh I almost forgot, we also got some info related to our theory test on Driving. Then today we played some team building exercises in the morning and had a introduction to harnessing a team of driving horses as well as our first try at the theory test which I think I did quite well on. After lunch we had our online testing! It was loads of fun! This Extern group promises to be a great one with the potential to have a lot of fun as we move forward in our journey towards being horsemen and women! Until next time Stay Savvy and Keep it Natural! Kailaan and Jack Well it's been a little while since I last posted here. Now I am in the final week before I start my Externship! I had an amazing weekend this last weekend past! On the Saturday we went to Jacksonville to watch Pat and his western performance team at a Reined Cow Horse show, it was an awesome experience. It opened my eyes to a what some interesting specialization might look like. I was also presented with the opportunity to help out with the horse watering and picking the stalls of these amazing horses in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, an ounce of savvy might be passed on to me from these wonderful teachers!!!! All this and much more happened there... Needless to say the whole experience was absolutely wonderful!
Sunday saw me driving down to Tampa FL to visit some friends - Danny, Shannon and their two lovely kids Parker(3) and Piper(15 months). We all packed up and headed down to the beaches of FT. Dosoto where the sun was scorching and the water was still quite refreshing! We swam and then we kayaked around the area near the shore and pier.... We saw some truly beautiful and majestic dolphins in the water right next to us. They were around the whole afternoon swimming and jumping all over! We then came ashore and I flew a kite for the first time and really enjoyed the feel of it! We went to dinner at the crab-shack and I headed home after that! This past week so far has been very rewarding, Jack and I have made some awesome breakthroughs, especially as it relates to having Jack be more exuberant and having more of a connection and draw! Last night a really special person named Mariah Helms (currently an extern) showed me how to do the beginning steps of the waltz. It was an absolute "ball" (forgive the pun). On a more serious note, it was really cool how I could feel her and start to imagine what harmony feels like... like when a little foal is in true harmony with it's dame(mother). Very cool stuff! For more information on Mariah's journey you should visit her blog at: http://www.mariahpnhelms.blogspot.com/ Bye for now and Keep It Natural! Kailaan and Jack Well today came dark and rainy, at 6:15 there was quite a storm going on outside of my camper with sheets of rain and constant thunder followed promptly with bright lightning! The 10 minute drive to the Parelli Ranch was a little bit longer due to my almost non-existent visibility. All I could think about was storm chasers and the movie "Twister"... Once I arrived at the ranch things were happening very quickly as people went about their business so they could scurry back inside out of the rain! Today we were treated to an hour long Q&A with none other than the great Linda Parelli. We sure did cover a lot of ground during the discussion that turned in to an hour and a half! I can't believe that I actually spoke with Linda what an amazing thing. Not to mention that I was able to create a coherent sentence and ask her several questions! Life is good. It is truly inspiring to me to see how Linda can handle people in a group and direct the flow of things in such a natural and palatable way! She is really and truly a person to aspire too. We got to watch some interesting dvds and also have a Q&A with some of the mastery students- this was hosted by Lee Palmer. It was great to hear about some of the up's and downs and have some questions answered! As I write this in the student lounge Pat Parelli just drove up in his shiny Lincoln Pick-up truck. I am still getting used to all of this, sometimes I forget and then I realize that I am here. This is what I have dreamt of for the past several years. Oh my gosh this is so amazing! I want to share this with all of you guys. If you are thinking about coming down here, do it, don't let your if, ands or buts stop you!
On that note I'll sign off for now, until next time, Stay Savvy and Keep it Natural. Kailaan and Jack Well these past few days have been a little wet, but better a warm wet than a frozen wet! I have been busy with my
Fast-Track.There is always lots more to learn and I sometimes forget all that there is to learn about... I think that Focus is a great thing, I am just now thinking that you still need to be aware enough to see/realize when life presents you with the opportunity to learn something, even it you did not plan on learning about what ever it is that is being presented to you. Just be aware and focused but don't have blinders on, it's like Pat Parelli says we want to be Extreme Middle of the Roadest's. Today we had a few different simulations with conga horses and then some team building exercises with the whole group. You could definitely tell who the extroverts were! Martin Black stopped by the campus today with some of his crew for lunch and then headed up to Pat's Barn to tip some of Pat's cattle. Martin dropped off my very own Hackamore/Bosal, which I had picked out during last weekends Clinic. It is a pretty amazing feeling sitting down and eating in the presence of great Horsemen Pat Parelli, and Martin Black. -both of whom have studied with Bill Dorrance, Ray Hunt, and Tom Dorrance- It's now about 12 days until my Externship starts, I have heard that there will be 16 people participating, 4 from the UK, 3 from Australia and more from several other places. I have started to read my horse at a different level now and I am having to employ more strategies for a Right-Brained-Introvert. I think that I am going to start having a lot more success now that I can approach my horse in a way that is more palatable to him! Last night my horse had a session with Bryan and Donna the folks that have developed the new Photonic Light Therapy "Torch". Wow, what a good demo horse Jack was, he had a huge reaction to it. When we started we found pain in his back, hip, and shoulder, also Jack's Hyiod was out of alignment. The "Red Light caused it to rebalance and become more centered. I would highly recommend this as a tool for the vast majority of people. I know it is now on my "List" but not at the top yet! I hope you all are staying inspired through all of the great support channels that Parelli has and if you have not checked out Parelli Connect I strongly recommend that you do; it is the future! Keep it Natural and have fun, Kailaan and Jack! Wow this past weekend I got to ride with Pat Parelli and Martin Black they are the real deal t doesn’t get any better than that! What an experience! It was at a NVRHA (National Versatility Ranch Horse Association) Clinic and Schooling show. Jack and I got 4th place in the Ranch Riding novice division. Pat was amazing! Wow wow wow is about all I can say! Words cannot express how I feel about all that has happened this past two days! This has been something I have dreamed of, and now my dreams are becoming a reality. Thank you Jack you are my Partner, Hero, and so much more! I will post more later but for now I think one of the things that stood out most for me that Pat kept saying was "Go with Stopping in mind, Stop with backing in mind, Back with a quality move in mind, and Go with stopping in mind."
Bye for now, and remember Keep it Natural! Kailaan and Jack |
AuthorAmong other things, Kailaan Walker is a horse trainer and horsemanship instructor. He is also a Level 4 Parelli student. Jack is Kailaan's levels horse and partner. Papa Jack, as he is now affectionately known, is a 20 year old buckskin Canadian Quarter Horse cross. Kailaan's 1st horse, his inspiration, partner and friend for more than 10 years now. Archives
May 2012
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