Level 4, boy what a ride...
I have heard Pat say it many times, in person and also in different recorded formats: "You don't know what you don't know, until you know it!" But some times you think you know it and then you find that what you thought you knew, was only a piece of it... I think that the missing link is EXPERIENCE (the tenth quality of a horseman). So I have been playing towards level 4 now for a while now, hoping that if I don't focus on it too much it will just kind of show up... I was riding today, preparing for a local event called the Extreme Cowboy Race, and I had an excellent ride! I was playing with canter yo-yo's, quality stops, turns and flying lead changes. I have heard of refining flying lead changes to the point where you can do them with your seat! Well today, it was really starting to happen for Jack and I!!! I was mulling this over at the end of our session as we walked out of the arena and something that Pat has said came back to me "Level 4 is the fundamentals for performance and it is by no means the end, it is the beginning and where the majority of the work starts"... Now, as I am getting nearer to the standard of level 4, I am really starting to feel like I can go out and do something with my horse and represent Natural Horsemanship well, with a level of understanding, savvy, and competence. That is what Parelli does; it helps prepare people and their horses for whatever they want to go out and do. It does not have to take forever but I can promise you, it will take as long as it takes! So enjoy the journey!! Keep it Natural and Savvy! Kailaan and Jack
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![]() Well lots has happened since last we spoke! I have moved and am living in the center of horse country! My horse is at home for the first time ever living with me! It is so flipping awesome! I have a story to tell you guys; I think it is interesting how the little things in life can relate back to Horsemanship in so many ways! So, my Mom just bought a new car, which she is quite protective about. When I finally got the chance to drive it her parting words to me were "go easy". So off she goes with my dad and I jump in the new Escape and go to back up; wow the throttle is responsive, holy cow this thing turns tight, it felt like I was driving a wheel barrow! I pull up to the road and put the brakes on, they grab very soon in the stroke of the brake pedal (way sonner than my old 1990 ford truck). I pull out on to the road and the tires chirp a little bit. So in summary, it was very responsive!!! I met up with my Mom and she asked how it went? I told her all of the above and she was concerned/upset that I had not been careful enough. It took me a little while to articulate that every time I did something I thought I was being subtle and basically using a nice low phase one! I did not know how responsive it was and was conditioned by driving my old truck to use what turned out to be a lot of pressure! If you're used to a somewhat dull LBI, even if they have become more responsive, until you play with something much more sensitive like a RBI, you don't know how light, light can be. I will talk to you soon and keep you up to date! Kailaan and Jack Keeping it Natural! p.s. Look for Jack and I in June at the Extreme Cowboy Race in Burlington ON! Well I hope you all have had a very good start to your new year! I have had an excellent start so far... I have since wrapped up from Dave Ellis's and driven back east with Jack in toe. Sarah and I had a long but uneventful drive back I was very pleased that Lucy (my truck) had it in her to get me back home to Canada!!! Jack fared well through out our trek, Sarah and Savannah also fared quite well, this was a different trip for the both of us traveling together but in separate vehicles, it made for a long days driving when we couldn't switch off! I am very glad to be back in the North East! I am glad to be home and reconnecting with all of my friends! I have some cool events coming up, more to come soon!
Kailaan and Jack! Hi Everyone, long time no talk to! I have been so busy and a bit neglectful of my blogging duties. For this I am sorry... So onward to the future! But before we do let me tell you about the past! So since my debut at the summit as "Dice" with my partner "Shooter", I have driven to the LS ranch in California, own by David and Jody Ellis. Spent some time there and flew out to Boston to meet my girlfriends family and then up home to Canada to see my family. I then traveled by car to Boston where I helped Sarah prepare for our trip with her horse to California. What a long drive!!! 6.5 days later we arrived in California. Sarah and I have since spent our time in the Porterville area mostly at Dave's Ranch learning and helping out around the Ranch lots. We have rode our butts off and even helped with a branding over Thanksgiving. Then we flew to Boston for Christmas a week before and are preparing to fly back to California tomorrow. Things at the LS Ranch are pretty interesting, it presents a unique environment to learn a variety of things... I have had the opportunity to start a colt with David's guidance and also to do a restart on a really cool Canadian x Missouri FoxTrotter mare named "Raven" - such a cool horse.
I'll talk soon, until then talk soon! I hope you have a very happy new year! Stay savvy and keep it natural. Kailaan and Jack! ![]() Hey everyone!!! Today was day 1 of the Liberty and Bridleless Summit!!! Wow, what a success!! Pete and I did a skit which was super fun! Everybody was in good spirits and the weather was crisp but nice! I thank every one for their patience in our efforts to get you parked this morning:) THANKS!!!! I am having a blast!! A special congratulations to all of the Instructors that received either their level 4 or the next star rating and also their Horse Development rating!!! Way to go guys!!!!!! I am so proud to be an aspiring Parelli Professional YOU all do a spectacular job in leading the way for all of us Junior Instructors!!!!! I also want to say that it was a pleasure meeting all of you super awesome members of the Parelli Family! I need to sign off but I will up date you all soon! Until next time farewell and keep it Natural and Savvy!! Your Humble friend and human, Kailaan Walker p.s. My Teacher says HI and BYE too. p.s.s That would be Jack my partner in crime. (horse) Well, boy oh boy, what a week! Change is definitely upon us! The possibilities are just sprouting from the ground every where and for everyone! In this time when you my be feeling tense and uncertain, confused or otherwise emotional, just take a breath (or ten!) and think to yourself: "Oh Boy! The next step is to be creative and think, how can I move forward and stay positive but not only that how can I stay progressive?" This is the key!! If our thinking is rigid and old or stagnant, we are apt to miss opportunity's that often come from places where you might not expect to find them!
SO TRUST! All will be settled and I truly believe that when you let go of something you also make room for something else! BE PATIENT! Some things take time and WE are thinking of you and how we can help you and take care of your needs! You will not be forgotten! HAVE FAITH! You (and I) may not understand every little thing but know: "Anything is possible as long as the vision is clear and nobody cares who gets the credit!" We are here to make the WORLD a better place for both horses and humans. It starts with a feeling and then a thought, then an action! SO be aware of your FEELINGS; they are there, they are real and they matter! Take care and keep it natural! Kailaan Walker ![]() Well since the last time that we spoke a few things have happened! Firstly, I have started to get some nice Flying Lead Changes, Online and Freestyle! This is pretty darn exciting since it is something that has been a challenge for both me and Jack! Yay!!!!! On this past Thursday and Friday (August 4th and 5th) I got invited to go and participate in the Official Parelli Demo Team for the Archuleta County Fair in Pagosa Springs CO. What a freaking cool opportunity!! This was a HUGE DREAM come true!!! I also got to ride in the Sport Chassis it was so cool! Once at the fair, Jack was a champion!! We had a great demo showing the crowd what we could do! On Friday, it was even better than the day before! I was a little more relaxed and just had fun with it and that made all the difference in the world! The thing I take away from that is: "KEEP IT NATURAL"!!!!!! And also: "TAKE CARE OF YOUR HORSEMANSHIP AND IT WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU"!!!!! Anyway I want to say a huge thank you my horse Jack! I also owe a great big thank you to Berin Macfarlane; thanks for giving me the opportunity to see what I could do with my awesome partner Jack!!! Thanks to Bill Thacker, Ryan Rose and Hillary Rose for setting up the event and also offering me so much support - you guys are the best!!! At your service for ever and always, and keeping it natural, Kailaan Walker and Jack! ![]() Wow time just flies by... it astounds me! Well, a lot has happened since we last talked and I will do my best to tell all that has happened true and in it entirety. I finished my first Externship here in lovely Pagosa Springs CO on July 3rd. I received my 1* Star Trainee status, after having applied to stay on and continue my education as a student here on campus. So, I have been invited to stay and participate in another Externship to help me refine my Horsemanship. It has been such an amazing journey! Just after my first Externship finished and before my second one started, I got the opportunity to ride in the July 4th parade with all of the Parelli tribe! It was very cool to ride on the road in downtown Pagosa Springs! I was intrigued to find out that my horse thinks that skate boards are horse eating monsters! It is amazing all the things that you get to see and do if you're in the right place and time. Kinda reminds me of LUCK and we all know how to spell LUCK right? "W-O-R-K" and it's where preparation meets opportunity! This new Externship got off to a great start, seeing all of us run the Parelli Games on campus with Jake Biernbaum and Tanya Bennett spear-heading the effort and me supporting/leading the whole Extern team. We are at the beginning of week 3 and closer than ever and working as a team! Time sure does fly around here! I once heard Pat say that "the days are long but the weeks, months, and years just fly by!" This has been very true for me! The group we have here for this Externship has been great so far. There are 18 of us and the dynamic is pretty cool having so many individuals together... The program is so progressive I can see changes even from the last one I just did. The HMS (horsemanship) has been awesome! Berin is really on his game! Just this past weekend we got to watch Linda and some of the top students on campus from both Pat and Linda's barns get a lessons from Walter Zettl, and then the next day go to a cutting with Pat and his Apprentice team -which was totally awesome! Then on Monday we went back to the arena were the cutting was held for a half day cutting clinic that Pat and his team went to! Then out for lunch with the whole team at a casino nearby. So, more cool news to follow in coming days. I will try to write more often to keep you abreast of current happenings! p.s. I have my 17" Parelli Natural Performer Saddle for sale... -It has a: -Standard width tree -Medium length fenders. -It is a light oil color Its also posted on Savvy Forum in the Tack thread.But please feel free to call or text me if you have any questions... My cell is 310-890-2953 or you can email me at [email protected] Keep it Natural, Kailaan & Jack ![]() Photo by: Kirsi Kesaniemi What a day at Parelli University!!! We had another great session today with Linda Parelli on the Game of Contact! This is so cool... it's revolutionary!!! What an amazing opportunity!!! Jack was awesome, considering this was the first time in 2 months that I have rode in a bridle, he was great. Back when we were in Florida, Jack hurt the corner of his mouth, so I have been giving it a rest while it has been healing. Its much better now and he did great!!! ![]() Photo by: Rachel Clarkson Then this evening... what an awesome time we had!! It was our first BBQ and campfire of the season here in Pagosa Springs! Tim Sullivan came out to play - it was fantastic!! Pat, Jake, Sam, Emma, Katie and a couple others contributed to the musical experience!!! Keep it Natural, Kailaan and jack Today my fellow Externs and I got the opportunity to participate in the check-in for all of the new Flex-Trackers. I really love welcoming in all of the new students and helping them settle in! It is so exciting to be a part of their journey and experience here on campus and also into the future! The orientation was just awesome, Neil Pye, someone I don't know very well, opened and lead the beginning part of the orientation. Neil was just great, he presented his thoughts and ideas very clearly and concisely in a well organized manner with out seeming rushed. While Neil talked he had a way of weaving in the threads of the community and culture that could be expected here on campus, and also gave a feel of how we might take this forward into the world and share it after going home. This was artfully done! The two thoughts I have on this are; the first is a picture I have in my mind, the image of a care taker or gardener sowing the seeds of change and two the concept of drip feeding something to someone just a little bit at a time, so you don't ever really feel pushed or anything unnatural but all of the sudden you see the changes that have occurred naturally. There were no over whelming speeches about changing the world with herculean effort. No, I just come away with a quite sense of empowerment, that if you lead by example and continually make small changes in your self you too can make a difference. Like Micheal Jackson sang in his song "Man in the Mirror" " I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to change his ways. If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then make a change" I think it is important that you not be judgmental of those around you, you just need to do your thing and lead by your example.
During our orientation we had a surprise visit from the man who has inspired thousands, Mr. Pat Parelli and let me tell you, he is still as inspiring and funny as ever! It is amazing to see the caliber of people that surround Pat! The thing that stands out to me the most is just how much Heart and Desire that these people have, as Pat says; "It's the difference that makes the difference". I am so fortunate to be able to be here and be surrounded by these truly inspiring and amazing people! THIS IS PARELLI! WE ARE PARELLI! THIS IS THE FUTURE! Keep it Natural and Savvy! Kailaan Walker |
AuthorAmong other things, Kailaan Walker is a horse trainer and horsemanship instructor. He is also a Level 4 Parelli student. Jack is Kailaan's levels horse and partner. Papa Jack, as he is now affectionately known, is a 20 year old buckskin Canadian Quarter Horse cross. Kailaan's 1st horse, his inspiration, partner and friend for more than 10 years now. Archives
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